Many therapists have used The Land of Love with clients who have a variety of emotional, behavioral or physical problems. Regardless of the origins of the client’s difficulties, guided imagery can be a powerful tool in the psychotherapeutic process. It allows us to bypass the conscious mind and intervene at deeper levels of consciousness, where distorted beliefs about self worth and empowerment serve as a template for the continuous production of difficulties in daily life. The Land of Love uses beautiful imagery directed to the inner child where these core beliefs about the self are formed and need healing. As clinical strategies to enhance the client’s self worth can be difficult given the personality’s need to defend beliefs about unworthiness, The Land of Love disables this conscious protest by lulling the individual to sleep. While sleeping, clients easily surrender to the loving correction by the Spiritual or Inner Self, personified by the “Fairy Godmother’. As a result, many clients report an enhanced sense of self worth, greater emotional stability and a deepened awareness of their connection to the Inner Self.
The Land of Love was originally created for very young children who had been traumatized by abuse. We have found over many years, however, that people of all ages respond beneficially to its beauty and healing effects. It may be used in session, but it is most therapeutic when used regularly by the client at bedtime. It’s helpful to explain to clients that it is not necessary to actively listen to the meditation. Rather, they should be instructed to let it put them gently to sleep, reassuring them that it will work most effectively for them in this way.
The following describes the experience of one therapist who uses The Land of Love in her practice:
As a psychotherapist working with adult and adolescent clients, I have used The Land of Love CD as an adjunct for both male and female individuals presenting with a wide range of symptoms including mood disorders, stress syndromes, sequelae of abuse histories, acute and chronic illness and pain conditions, as well as the entire spectrum of grief and loss effects.
This CD has been especially helpful to clients whose anxieties and/or depressed affect and thought patterns made relaxation, sleep, and positive self talk virtually unattainable. Some of my most troubled and difficult cases, involving borderline personality features, multiple addiction relapse and severe attachment disorder, have been significantly ameliorated when the CD is used as a component of therapy. In conjunction with complementary techniques such as self-hypnosis and projective guided imagery, The Land of Love can be an invaluable teaching tool. In my supervision work with practicing clinicians, I have used it as the model for professional skill building in these cases.
In my view, the emotional efficacy of the CD cannot be totally explained in terms of our standard theories of behavioral causality. Nonetheless, my clients have experienced deeply reassuring messages from the CD and they respond to the narrator-guide in a very definitive manner. She is a powerful protectress who embodies the qualities of trust, wisdom, and loving kindness that fulfill deep wishes for safety and nurturing. Her tone of absolute acceptance becomes a “mentor voice’, renewing the vulnerable self.
J. Pamela Weiner, Ph.D, M.P.H.
Licensed Consulting Psychologist
Minneapolis, Minnesota